Last updated:
10. October 2003
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User Interface Programming Column
Tech Tips
Splitter Controls and Dialog Resizing
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Tech Tips are small chunks of Windows programming information that are too small or specialized for a full article.
This page lists all the Tech Tips I’ve written for Windows Developer Magazine, in reverse chronological order (newest first).
All accompanying code is written in C.
Windows Developer Magazine, October 2003
NEW On the vagaries of assertion macros in C and C++.
Windows Developer’s Journal, April 2002
MessageBox() is well known to Windows programmers. Its close relative, MessageBoxIndirect(), is less well known, but offers several interesting possibilities that MessageBox()does not.
Windows Developer’s Journal, January 2001
winnt.h contains a little-known macro that can perform assertion checks as you compile. This Tech Tip explains how.
Windows Developer’s Journal, August 2000
The right settings in a hidden desktop.ini file can give any folder a special icon when viewed from Explorer. This Tech Tip explains how; here’s the gist of it:
[.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=MyProg.exe IconIndex=2 InfoTip=MyProg Program Folder
Windows Developer’s Journal, February 2000
PathCompactPath() is a shell function you can use to replace part of a string containing a filename with “…”, so it will fit in a menu better, for example. Incredibly, this function will actually scribble outside the buffer you give it under certain conditions!
This Tech Tip explains the bug and how to fix it.
Windows Developer’s Journal, March 1998
This Tech Tip revisits a previous tip (by Peter D’Agostino, Windows Developer Magazine, September 1997) to provide improved directory size information.
Windows Developer’s Journal, February 1998
This Tech Tip presents a solution to the behavior of the Enter key in dialog boxes that have both a default pushbutton and multi-line edit controls.
You can read this article online.
Windows Developer’s Journal, July 1997
This Tech Tip describes a simple trick for producing right-aligned numeric fields in dialog boxes.
Windows Developer’s Journal, February 1997
This Tech Tip explores the not-quite-simple problem of correctly displaying hourglass cursors.
You can read this article online.
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